If you have never laid eyes on it, you should! It could even be yours to claim for your Lodge. Dust off that Masonic Passport and get to traveling in foreign countries, Brethren!
- To promote Brotherly Love and Fellowship among the Brethren of Freemasonry and more especially Masons of the 64th Masonic District of Texas.
- To instill enthusiasm and interest for Freemasonry, Brotherhood, and the Craft in general.
- To increase attendance of Lodge Stated and Called meetings by increasing visitors and members by vying to take the gavel and keep it.
- To encourage visitation within the District for fellowship, education, and degree conferrals.
- To propagate knowledge of the Craft and share experiences of Masonic philosophy and history with Brethren.
- To have fun and instill healthy competition among Lodges for bragging rights and excellence.
- The current holder of the Traveling Gavel will keep it until another Lodge from the 64th District attends a Stated Meeting or Degree of the holding Lodge, bringing with them 5 (five) members.
- The host Lodge will display the Traveling Gavel in the Lodge room and the Worshipful Master will announce in open Lodge and before the start of business of the impending capture of the Gavel by a visiting Lodge.
- Upon successfully capturing the Gavel, the visiting Lodge is allowed to take it to their own Lodge and remain the holder of it until it is taken from them in like manner.
- In the event that 2 or more Lodge’s with an equal number of visiting members of 5 or more visit the current holder at the same meeting, a coin flip or other method agreeable to the Lodges will be used to determine the new holder.
- EVERY TIME the Gavel is captured, the new holder will complete the following tasks:
- Log an entry into the Record Book accompanying the Gavel with the name of their Lodge, the number of members visiting from that Lodge, and the date the Gavel was captured.
- Contact one the DCOs with a change request for the Traveling Gavel records (emails found on 64th.org in the footer). One of them will confirm and have appropriate records updated so all Lodge’s may know their next target (wink, wink).
- Please be mindful, it is courteous to call ahead so that the Master and Stewards can be better prepared for your visitation.
- Above all, have fun and be proud of it!